sábado, 8 de junio de 2019

Poussin`s:Madona Roccatagliata. Two versions?

Al decidirme a hacer fotografías profesionales del cuadro que adquirí en Sothebys, New York, November 20, 1980 , lote 93 School of Nicolas Poussin, The Holy Family,  procedente del Bob Jones museum de la Universidad de Greenwich, S.C. ofrezco a los estudiosos del gran pintor francés referencias gráficas más ricas y seguras. que ayuden a decidir si se trata de una copia  del  cuadro de Detroit como cree Pierre Rosenberg o una segunda versión con la misma composición pero con variantes de color que son bien evidentes en el ropaje de San José. En la Sagrada Familia del  Detroit Institute of Arts  predominan los tonos pálidos y en la procedente del  Bob Jones Museum los tonos cálidos. La correspondencia sobre la Madonna entre el marchante romano Stefano Roccatagliata y el maestro Poussin que se había desplazado a Paris (1641) urgido por el  rey francés justifica la idea de que Cassiano del Pozzo pidiera una réplica para otro compromiso de su poderosa familia. Utilizo la terminología de Timothy Strandring en su artículo A Poussin question: are any second autographs versions to be excluded? 

Reproduzco el cuadro de Detroit (Fig.1) que como dice Wright “This picture is reasonably accepted as the one executed for Stefano Roccatagliata”.El catálogo de Sothebys de 1980 añadía como Note.This replica is based on  a painting by Poussin now in the Detroit Institute of Arts. Literature:Anthony Blunt.The Paintings of Nicolas Poussin, 1966 p.36. It was engraved by Carlo Faucci .He comprobado que se trata en efecto de un grabado copiando la Sagrada Familia hoy en Detroit. But I have observed that the Detroit Institute has revised the URL information about this picture with the clear purpose of eliminating any  mention of the picture now in my possession. I precisely refer to the Exposition de Paris Poussin of 1994-5 by Pierre Rosenberg and Prat, the popular book of John D. Morse Painting in North America. New York 1979 and more notoriously Pierre Rosenberg “La Peinture francaise du XVII siècle dans les collections Americans”. Paris, New York, Chicago .Cat. Paris 1982. In these two important books plus in the above mentioned Blunt`catalogue, the Holy Family of Bob Jones is mentioned and reproduced in two of them. Therefore is a work worth to be taken into consideration as a replica by the master himself or his workshop.

Fig 1 The Holy Family. Detroit Institute of Arts                                                 

                                                                                              Fig.2 The Holy Family . E.G-H Madrid Bob Jones Museum Provenance

En 2005 me preocupé de conocer la reacción del Bob Jones Museum. Why did they decided to sell the Holy Family attributed to Poussin and others interesting Old Masters paintings? Parece evidente que hubo un conflicto entre curadores del museo sobre que pinturas de arte antiguo conservar. A Sir Denis Mahon le extrañó ver en mi casa la Holy Family del museo Bob Jones de Greenwich. No sabía de la subasta de Sothebys New York.Why the Bob Jones museum sold this painting? Mahon exclaimed in the presence of Barbara Johnson and myself.

In August 22, 2020 I have double checked the Blunt important book and catalogue of Poussin Phaidon 1966. I found in page 36 on the history of the Detroit Holy Family that in the Robert Ansell sale , Christies, London, 16ii,1771, lot 72 (as from, the Breteuil collection, with dimensions 28 x 22 inches ), bt. for Lord Melbourne. These dimensions concord with the Bob Jones picture. The two versions may have crossed paths wlth each other.  I only hope Monsieur Rosenberg will finish soon his long time project of the revised catalogue of Poussin and come with a final verdict. Replica or copy by someone else of the workshop?
I hope these photographs and information help the scholars to pay more attention to the picture shown in the figures 2 and 3. I believe it is a  second version from the master himself or the original..

Fig.3 Holy Family provenance Bob Jones detail  (fotografías  de J.L. Municio, October 2019)

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